Hey everyone, it's Sarah, a Registered Nurse (RN). In this video, I'm going to be going over how to check vital signs. We're going to be checking the six vital signs, which are pain, oxygen saturation, temperature, heart rate, respirations, and blood pressure. Before we start, you want to practice proper hand hygiene and ensure patient privacy. Let them know what you'll be doing because you'll have to touch them in order to do this. So, let's get started. The very first thing we want to do is ask them if they are in pain. Whenever you do that, have them rate it on a scale of zero to ten, with zero being no pain at all, and ten being the worst pain they've ever had. If they do have pain, ask them about the quality of the pain and where it is located. For example, "Hi Ben, my name is Sarah, and I am your nurse. I'm going to be getting your vital signs. First, I want to ask you about your pain rating. Are you having any pain on a scale of zero to ten?" Ben: "Yes, I have pain in my shoulder, and it's a three." Sarah: "Okay, and what does it feel like?" Ben: "It's just a sharp pain when I raise my arm." Now, let's move on to checking the patient's temperature. There are several ways to take a temperature, and each facility may have a different system in place. You can take it orally, axillary (armpit), tympanic (ear), temporally (forehead), or rectally. Rectal is usually preferred for pediatric patients, while for adults, we typically take it orally. It's important to note that axillary and temporally readings tend to be about one degree lower than oral readings, while tympanic and rectal temperatures usually run one degree higher. In this case, we are...
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Current VA Pharmacists: For most states there may be a free application process and an application fee. Question 2: Has the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Secretary of State of the designated State or country authorized my VA form 8-K and form 10-K to apply to my health occupation? Question 16a: If you have not received a determination letter, request for additional information/record, or a determination letter, and you did not file the application within the time period specified by GAO, submit the form to the appropriate VA center or request a copy of the letter from the VA center. Question 16b: Request for additional information/record can be obtained from the VA Center through this Online Form. Form10-2850c, Free Online Application, for Associated Health Occupations, has been approved by the Director and Director of VAST (Information Security and Privacy Office) and may be used by the U.S. Military, Veterans of Armed Forces. Question 2: Has the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Secretary of State of the designated State or country authorized my VA form 8-K and form 10-K to apply to my health occupation? Question 16a: If you have not received a determination letter, request for additional information/record, or a determination letter, and you did not file the application within the time period specified by GAO, submit the form to the appropriate VA center or request a copy of the letter from the VA Center. Question 16b: Request for additional information/record can be obtained from the VA Center through this Online Form.
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